Well, after starting a campaign last winter that did not come to a conclusion our group is going to give Planetary Empires a go. This campaign should be light enough that we can get quite a few games before the end of the summer when we lose one of our players to college.
Z.insane has whipped up a map and the armies involved currently stand at two eldar, the tau, Bad Moon orks, and possibly Guard. Looking forward to this one as I GM'd the last one and that meant I got to watch most games but didn't get to play much. I think that stunned my wife when she discovered I had spent six hours in the game room, twice a month, and didn't roll a single die...
We're going to try and kick off tomorrow with some Kill Team missions from the Battle Missions book: 200 points 0-1 elite, 0-2 troop, 0-1 fast.
I've got three armies in mind:
The Ambushers: five Pathfinders and five Striking Scorpions
The Murder: six Dire Avengers and five Swooping Hawks led by Exarch with a Hawks Talon
The Guard: 18 guardians with Scatter Laser led by a Warlock with Singing Spear and Destructor.
The games should be quick enough that I can try out two of the armies. The question will be whether the Ork player goes horde for these fights as he can put out a lot of bodies and may be able to over run the armies I've got, well the first one anyhow. The Tau player may be bringing suits in which case I'm hope to either torrent with enough shots or lay into him with rending sniper rifles.
Anyhow, looking forward to these scraps tomorrow and will post some pics.