Friday, July 30, 2010

Turn One Standings

Orks make planetfall and begin pouring from the spaceport, quickly overrunning Striking Scorpion and Pathfinder sentries. Tau Crisis suits annihilate advancing eldar Vanguard.

After two skirmishes, Eldar losing a power station to the Orks and Tau defeating Eldar, here are the territories held by players:

Tau -
Aun'korst'la - three tiles total with 1 Power Station (8), 2 Command Bastions (18), 2 Shield Generators, 1 Manufactorum (16)
Orks - Bad Moons - four tiles total with 1 Power Station (9), Command Bastion (6), Shield Generator
Eldar - Syrd Wraythe -two tiles total with 1 Power Station (10), Command Bastion (11), 2 Shield Generators, Manufactorum (6)

As it stands with the current territories the following modifiers will be applied in match ups:

Tau v Orks: Orks get +1 to reserves and deployment rolls. Tau get +100 points and three dice to get bonus universal rules on each die that is a 4+.

Tau v Eldar: Eldar get +1 to reserves and deployment rolls. Tau get +50 points and one die to get bonus universal rules on each die that is a 4+.

Ork v Eldar: Eldar get +1 to reserves and deployment rolls, +150 points, and one die to get bonus universal rules on each die that is a 4+.

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