Last night four of us got in a game of Arkham Horror. 6:30 start and 10:05 finish. Played the original box set and it was Monterey (archeologist), Kate (scientist), Vincent (doctor), and Darrel (newspaper reporter) vs Cthulhu. Monterey set the scene early, getting into a scrap the first turn. He'd soon become the teams punching bag constantly spending time in the Asylum and Hospital. The scientist sealed a gate early, but after that the investigators spent most of the game closing gates, but not quite having the clue tokens to make the locations safe. Terror track only managed to advance a couple of times before we manged to close all the gates (three in two turns) while holding on to five gate trophies between the lot of us.
In the end it was a very close game, Cthulhu only needed two more doom tokens to awaken and we had only managed to seal four locations at that point. We managed to luck out and the last mythos card turn had a gate open on our only sealed location, the Woods. The one rumour we did get was shut down in one turn by Monterey and Vincent burning six clue tokens to garner the team one unique item each.
Had a lot of fun but I am looking forward to getting another game in when my buddy Brooke rolls into town. It had been a good eight months since the last game so I had to hit the rules almost every round.
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