Monday, December 13, 2010

400 Point Tau Combat Patrol

The Adepticon Rules:
Armies will consist of 400 points or less, and must conform to the following Force Organization restrictions:
0-1 HQ
1-3 Troops (you MUST bring at least one Troop choice)
0-1 Elite
0-1 Fast Attack
0-1 Heavy Support
0-1 ‘Swing Slot’ (this maybe be used to field one additional Troops, Elite, Fast Attack OR Heavy Support choice)
• Armies are not required to take mandatory unit choices. All other unit restrictions (i.e. 0-1) apply.
• You may spend remaining points on units from anywhere in the Codex.
• With the exception of Troops and models with the Swarm Universal Special Rule, No model can have more than 2 Wounds.
• Psykers may be used, but may NOT use any power requiring a psychic test.
• No model may have a 2+ or a 2+ invulnerable save.
• No monstrous creatures.
• No Special/Unique/Named Characters are allowed in the Warhammer 40K Combat Patrol event.
• Aside from Troops choices and dedicated Transports, only vehicles with a maximum of 11 in any armor facing may be taken. Dedicated transports and troops may have a maximum armor facing of 12. Vehicle Squadrons and Artillery units at permitted provided every unit within the unit individually would be permitted.

The List:
400 Pts - Tau Empire Roster

Troops: Kroot Carnivore Squad (100 pts)
10 Kroot Carnivore Squad
5 Kroot Hounds

Elite: Crisis Battlesuit (150 pts)
3 Crisis Battlesuits(Burst Cannon; Missile Pod; Multi-Tracker)

Elite: Crisis Battlesuit (150 pts)
3 Crisis Battlesuits(Burst Cannon; Missile Pod; Multi-Tracker)

Total Roster Cost: 400

Reasoning/Related Articles:
Taking Firestorms instead of Fireknives saves 36 points allowing me to get another suit in plus Kroot hounds, while really not affecting my the effectiveness of my army since there won't be any crazy terminators. See here for math.
Adepticon Rules

Comments/Critique anyone??

1 comment:

  1. Well, based on my performance I wouldn't be inclined to change anything. This army spits out a ferocious amount of firepower with those two units of Crisis suits.

    Can't complain about the lack off AT as it was more than enough for what you need.

