Monday, December 13, 2010

Modular Baneblade


Hi there, Z|insane giving you a How To make a Modular Baneblade! Now this isn't my model this is my thirteen year old brothers for Apocalypse Space Marine army, I play Tau so I will do my best to get the proper names on the parts if I get any wrong let me know I'll fix it. Also I used all 1/8" by 1/32" magnets but for the cannon I recommend something bigger. The magnet works but I would prefer something a bit more beefy personally. I am also using magnet to magnet contact on this as I like the feel better but you could use a strip of ferrous metal that the magnets can attach to.

400 Point Tau Combat Patrol

The Adepticon Rules:
Armies will consist of 400 points or less, and must conform to the following Force Organization restrictions:
0-1 HQ
1-3 Troops (you MUST bring at least one Troop choice)
0-1 Elite
0-1 Fast Attack
0-1 Heavy Support
0-1 ‘Swing Slot’ (this maybe be used to field one additional Troops, Elite, Fast Attack OR Heavy Support choice)
• Armies are not required to take mandatory unit choices. All other unit restrictions (i.e. 0-1) apply.
• You may spend remaining points on units from anywhere in the Codex.
• With the exception of Troops and models with the Swarm Universal Special Rule, No model can have more than 2 Wounds.
• Psykers may be used, but may NOT use any power requiring a psychic test.
• No model may have a 2+ or a 2+ invulnerable save.
• No monstrous creatures.
• No Special/Unique/Named Characters are allowed in the Warhammer 40K Combat Patrol event.
• Aside from Troops choices and dedicated Transports, only vehicles with a maximum of 11 in any armor facing may be taken. Dedicated transports and troops may have a maximum armor facing of 12. Vehicle Squadrons and Artillery units at permitted provided every unit within the unit individually would be permitted.

The List:
400 Pts - Tau Empire Roster

Troops: Kroot Carnivore Squad (100 pts)
10 Kroot Carnivore Squad
5 Kroot Hounds

Elite: Crisis Battlesuit (150 pts)
3 Crisis Battlesuits(Burst Cannon; Missile Pod; Multi-Tracker)

Elite: Crisis Battlesuit (150 pts)
3 Crisis Battlesuits(Burst Cannon; Missile Pod; Multi-Tracker)

Total Roster Cost: 400

Reasoning/Related Articles:
Taking Firestorms instead of Fireknives saves 36 points allowing me to get another suit in plus Kroot hounds, while really not affecting my the effectiveness of my army since there won't be any crazy terminators. See here for math.
Adepticon Rules

Comments/Critique anyone??

Monday, November 29, 2010

Deepstrike Radio's New Forum

The guys over at Deepstrike Radio have brought out their new forums and I encourage everyone to go and sign up. They have an excelent community and a good bunch of guys for a moderation team. Sign up at

The Custodes Forum

Friday, November 12, 2010

Stealth Madness?

Fast Attack: Piranha Light Skimmer
1 Piranha Light Skimmer @ 70 pts (Fusion Blaster x1; Target Lock x1)

Troops: Fire Warrior
6 Fire Warrior @ 60 pts

Elite: Stealthsuits
6 Stealthsuits @ 270 pts (Support Systems; Gun Drone; Gun Drone; Gun Drone; Gun Drone; Gun Drone; Gun Drone; Gun Drone; Gun Drone; Gun Drone; Drone Controller x6)
1 Gun Drone (Twin Linked Pulse Carbines)
1 Gun Drone (Twin Linked Pulse Carbines)
1 Gun Drone (Twin Linked Pulse Carbines)
1 Gun Drone (Twin Linked Pulse Carbines)
1 Gun Drone (Twin Linked Pulse Carbines)
1 Gun Drone (Twin Linked Pulse Carbines)
1 Gun Drone (Twin Linked Pulse Carbines)
1 Gun Drone (Twin Linked Pulse Carbines)
1 Gun Drone (Twin Linked Pulse Carbines)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Custom Dice

Just got in my order of custom vehicle damage dice. I think they look pretty snazzy and match the custom Tau dice I had ordered earlier with 40k Radio forum guys.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Adepticon 2011

I bit the bullet and I am going to Adepticon!!!

Here's my schedule

Sunday, August 22, 2010

AIG (achievements in gaming)

Last night four of us got in a game of Arkham Horror. 6:30 start and 10:05 finish. Played the original box set and it was Monterey (archeologist), Kate (scientist), Vincent (doctor), and Darrel (newspaper reporter) vs Cthulhu. Monterey set the scene early, getting into a scrap the first turn. He'd soon become the teams punching bag constantly spending time in the Asylum and Hospital. The scientist sealed a gate early, but after that the investigators spent most of the game closing gates, but not quite having the clue tokens to make the locations safe. Terror track only managed to advance a couple of times before we manged to close all the gates (three in two turns) while holding on to five gate trophies between the lot of us.

In the end it was a very close game, Cthulhu only needed two more doom tokens to awaken and we had only managed to seal four locations at that point. We managed to luck out and the last mythos card turn had a gate open on our only sealed location, the Woods. The one rumour we did get was shut down in one turn by Monterey and Vincent burning six clue tokens to garner the team one unique item each.

Had a lot of fun but I am looking forward to getting another game in when my buddy Brooke rolls into town. It had been a good eight months since the last game so I had to hit the rules almost every round.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

AIG (achievements in gaming)

Title is a complete grab from the D6Generations segment and I love that segment the more I listen to it. Going to try and use it as a personal motivator. I might not be getting some games in but still painting and prepping stuff so here we go....

Read "Path of the Warrior" by Gav Thorpe. Good reading and nice to get some more material on the aspect warriors of the Eldar, especially the Striking Scorpions. I fell in love with these guys when I first saw them in a WD back in '90. Jes Goodwin's concept art was awesome and marked the departure from RT where we had guardians and harlequins and little else. I found the novel added some depth to the exarches that was pretty fresh given they had the potential to be so one-dimensional.

Painted some aspect warriors. Have upcoming 40k games and wanted to get some warriors better matched to my guardians colour scheme. I'll let you know which unit was painted up in the battle report. Last pics were a little dissapointing due to the amount of black and grey in teh pics. hard to see what is what so I'm working on that.

That's about it though I should be getting in a couple of games this week: one game of Arkham on Saturday (Z and Otori, I'm sure you'd be invited but I'll double check as to how much seating is available) and one or two of 40k.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Battlefoam Brigade

Battlefoam has released their new Brigade site. Should let us find fellow players if the blog doesn't catch them. I made a team for us and will post the games here and on the site. Try it out it keeps track of your win / loss ratio. Send me a friend request I am Zinsane on it.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Turn One Standings

Orks make planetfall and begin pouring from the spaceport, quickly overrunning Striking Scorpion and Pathfinder sentries. Tau Crisis suits annihilate advancing eldar Vanguard.

After two skirmishes, Eldar losing a power station to the Orks and Tau defeating Eldar, here are the territories held by players:

Tau -
Aun'korst'la - three tiles total with 1 Power Station (8), 2 Command Bastions (18), 2 Shield Generators, 1 Manufactorum (16)
Orks - Bad Moons - four tiles total with 1 Power Station (9), Command Bastion (6), Shield Generator
Eldar - Syrd Wraythe -two tiles total with 1 Power Station (10), Command Bastion (11), 2 Shield Generators, Manufactorum (6)

As it stands with the current territories the following modifiers will be applied in match ups:

Tau v Orks: Orks get +1 to reserves and deployment rolls. Tau get +100 points and three dice to get bonus universal rules on each die that is a 4+.

Tau v Eldar: Eldar get +1 to reserves and deployment rolls. Tau get +50 points and one die to get bonus universal rules on each die that is a 4+.

Ork v Eldar: Eldar get +1 to reserves and deployment rolls, +150 points, and one die to get bonus universal rules on each die that is a 4+.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Rebel 1 ... ACTION

Kill Team Match Up

Kid_Happy Vs. Z|insane
Eldar Tau Empire
200 Points

Eldar Army
The Murder(d): six Dire Avengers and five Swooping Hawks led by Exarch with a Hawks Talon

Tau Army
Elite: Crisis Shas'vre (4#, 199 pts)
1 Crisis Shas'vre @ 199 pts ((C:TE, pg. 34); Acute Senses; Deep Strike; Unit Type: Jump Infantry (Jet Packs); Airbursting Fragmentation Projector; Team Leader; Shas'vre Upgrade; Crisis Battlesuit; Crisis Battlesuit; Hard-wired Drone Controller; Shield Drone; Missile Pod; Multi-Tracker)
1 Crisis Battlesuit (Burst Cannon; Missile Pod; Multi-Tracker)
1 Crisis Battlesuit (Missile Pod; Plasma Rifle; Multi-Tracker)
1 Shield Drone (Shield Generator)

Report Begins

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pre-Campaign Battle

Got three campaign games in today. The first was a three sided battle to determine who placed the first flag on the map and to play test the kill team missions in the battle missions book.

I went with my five scorpions and five pathfinders, the ork player had a unit of shootas and a unit of sluggas and had one Nob with a power klaw. The Tau ran the three crisis suits with the load out z.insane posted below.

I'll post some pictures and maybe do a more detailed report but I'll give the quick run downs.

Game one: Orks split forces and charge both Tau and Eldar. Vs. the Eldar the Orks and Scorpions got into melee and despite some initial losses to furious charge and the power klaw the Scorpions rallied and began cutting into the Ork charge. The Tau suits focussed fire on the advancing greenskins and managed to clear the immediate area. The eldar snipers fired a single shot at the Tau and put a wound on the suit leader. The other eldar fired rifles and pistols into the orks and began consolidating up the hill in their corner. Turning their attention to the other foe the Crisis suits start blasting that the eldar.

In the end the Tau managed to jump in and out of the ruins they took cover in while laying a massive amount of fire power for which even the camoline cloaks of the rangers could not offer any protection. Initial victory belonged to the Tau.

gamer profile: Z|insane

name: Dennis

location: Creston

game: Warhammer 40K
army: Tau
status: Started playing late 2008
status: Started collecting Tau in early 2008 bought a rule book and the battleforce to play with my little brother (Otori Kage, resident Ultramarine Scum, but has recently expanded to the greenskins.) Then promptly never touched it till late 2008 when I was introduced to David (kid_happy). This was after 5th edition was out for a few months, and I figured I dodged a bolter round, and would not have to learn the changes since I would be learning from scratch. Fast forward 2 years and I have a largely unpainted army, I am painting a Realm of Battle Board and a matching Planetary Empires set. This is all Davids fault. All of it. So I will have my revenge.

game: Warhmachine
army: Khador
status: Started playing with the release of Hordes MK2 with kid_happy's Legion of Everblight army. So far it has been a lot of fun with the battleforce boxes and I look forward to learning the intricacies of Khadorian might.


re: Campaign Goodness

kid_happy, some corrections for your post.

1. It's not the "tau" it is The Mighty Tau Empire™
2. My army is of super dangerous and the eldar should pack their bags and just go home.

200 Pts - Tau Empire Roster

Elite: Crisis Shas'vre (4#, 199 pts)
1 Crisis Shas'vre @ 199 pts ((C:TE, pg. 34); Acute Senses; Deep Strike; Unit Type: Jump Infantry (Jet Packs); Airbursting Fragmentation Projector; Team Leader; Shas'vre Upgrade; Crisis Battlesuit; Crisis Battlesuit; Hard-wired Drone Controller; Shield Drone; Missile Pod; Multi-Tracker)
1 Crisis Battlesuit (Burst Cannon; Missile Pod; Multi-Tracker)
1 Crisis Battlesuit (Missile Pod; Plasma Rifle; Multi-Tracker)
1 Shield Drone (Shield Generator)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Campaign Goodness

Well, after starting a campaign last winter that did not come to a conclusion our group is going to give Planetary Empires a go. This campaign should be light enough that we can get quite a few games before the end of the summer when we lose one of our players to college.

Z.insane has whipped up a map and the armies involved currently stand at two eldar, the tau, Bad Moon orks, and possibly Guard. Looking forward to this one as I GM'd the last one and that meant I got to watch most games but didn't get to play much. I think that stunned my wife when she discovered I had spent six hours in the game room, twice a month, and didn't roll a single die...

We're going to try and kick off tomorrow with some Kill Team missions from the Battle Missions book: 200 points 0-1 elite, 0-2 troop, 0-1 fast.

I've got three armies in mind:

The Ambushers: five Pathfinders and five Striking Scorpions

The Murder: six Dire Avengers and five Swooping Hawks led by Exarch with a Hawks Talon

The Guard: 18 guardians with Scatter Laser led by a Warlock with Singing Spear and Destructor.

The games should be quick enough that I can try out two of the armies. The question will be whether the Ork player goes horde for these fights as he can put out a lot of bodies and may be able to over run the armies I've got, well the first one anyhow. The Tau player may be bringing suits in which case I'm hope to either torrent with enough shots or lay into him with rending sniper rifles.

Anyhow, looking forward to these scraps tomorrow and will post some pics.

Monday, July 19, 2010

gamer profile: kid_happy

name: David

location: Creston

games: Primarily 40k though I have been playing some Hordes (Everblight). I have Eldar, Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, Imperial Guard and Ork armies with enough models to play 3000+ point games with each. In the past I've played most GW games going back to the mid eighties. If you are looking to dust off a box of one of these I could be tempted, especially Blood Bowl.

i've got two game tables and a decent terrain collection, mostly grasslands, ruins, rocky outcrops. Snow and swamp terrain is my next project.

Also, and this is important, I do like to win but it certainly isn't the end all be all of my hobby. I like to try and give my best game but at the end of the day I'd rather have a laugh than a win. The army lists I typically run are not lists you'll see people backing on forums. I really enjoy trying units that others hate (Warp Spiders and Guardians, for example) and coming up with lists that, I think, have a chance.

Here's hoping we get to roll some dice at some point.



Welcome to Kootenay 40k, a blog dedicated to helping wargame players in the Kootenay region of BC, Alberta, Idaho, Montana, and Washigton. The intent of this blog is to find other players of any wargames in the Kootenay area that are interesting in finding opponents, starting leagues, or organizing tournaments. If you are interested in participating please send us a line and weèll get you a profile set up.

All the best and looking forward to meeting you.

aka kid_happy